The Importance Of Separation

The majority of people identify so closely with their thinking and emotions that thinking and emotion and the self appear to be one. This is actually an illusion however. The self is not thinking and emotion and this can be validated by the fact that the self can observe thinking and emotion. The self can, … Read More

Critical Factor In Ho’oponopono And Conscious Living

I’m an advocate for ho’oponopono and conscious living, two means for improving the life experience. But are these methods mutually exclusive? Or can they actually be used together? I believe they can, in fact, be used together. Ho’oponopono and conscious living each have the same ultimate goal in mind: to live presently rather than living … Read More

The Cause Of Emotions

I’m on record as saying that thinking causes emotional suffering. Emotional responses are a natural part of this reality. Most people believe emotions are an indication of how one “feels”. For instance, if a person has experienced a loss then sadness is the natural response. This is inaccurate. In fact external events do not — … Read More