Wishes Fulfilled By Wayne Dyer – Book Review

As of this writing, Wishes Fulfilled – Mastering the Art of Manifesting, is the latest work from Wayne Dyer. Dyer is an author and speaker on spiritual and / or metaphysical matters, and has been quite prolific in his output about these subjects. Prior to considering Wishes Fulfilled, I had certainly heard of Dyer — most people with an interest in spiritual and metaphysical matters have — but had not personally consumed any of his works, including the many talks he has given.

What prompted me in fact to consider Wishes Fulfilled – Mastering the Art of Manifesting was finally seeing one of Dyer’s talks on YouTube. The talk was not especially comprehensive — it was freely available after all, and I didn’t honestly expect that it would give away the store (so to speak) — but the content that was provided, along with Dyer’s delivery and disposition, gave me motivation to seek more.

Soon after this I ordered Wishes Fulfilled, and I can say unequivocally that my motivation for more of Dyer’s teachings was a terrific intuition indeed. Dyer’s message in Wishes Fulfilled was not entirely new to me: he spent a good deal of time discussing human identity as something more — far more — than simply a physical form. Dyer says that we are actually Spirit in a body, and this is a notion that I have heard before, and have come to believe in entirely.

Where Dyer’s message was unique, at least as far as my knowledge of him is concerned, is how he expressed the human capacity to create our life experience as a direct result of our divine nature. Dyer says flat out that we are God, each one of us, and that we should refer to ourselves as such.

I’ve actually said in previous writings that we are each God, but Dyer’s uninhibited proclamation and, in particular, his advocating that we should personally refer to ourselves as God was new ground for me. It’s no small deal, even in today’s climate of more modern thinking (compared to times past, at least) to encourage people to identify themselves as God. This is an openly blasphemous act for people of certain persuasions. But Dyer does it anyway — and I believe it’s proper of him to do so.

I can’t describe Wishes Fulfilled in enormous detail in a single writing, but within the work Dyer provides some very compelling insights for why each of us is, in fact, God — not an extension of or a child of God, but God in actuality. Dyer makes clear that referring to ourselves as God should not be done from ego but from respect for, and even reverence for, our awesome true nature.

Wishes Fulfilled does address manifestation — though the work is more insightful than simply this — and Dyer brings the issue of God nature into manifestation efforts in a very comprehensive way and in easily understood, and implemented, language.

I recommend Wishes Fulfilled – Mastering the Art of Manifesting beyond any manifesting desire, and suggest it as reading for anyone looking for more understanding of, and contentment from, the life experience. Find Wishes Fulfilled Here.