Break Past An Impossible Notion (Reader Inquiry)

Reader Inquiry: Currently I live in Southeast Asia and I’ve had a recent BIG desire to want to work and live in the US and UK…

Do you think some dreams are impossible? I am not speaking of levitating in mid-air or going to outerspace without a helmet on…

But recently I’ve had a gnawing desire and I’m not sure I am worthy of it. Other people from my country HAVE done it of course, but there is an “impossibility” factor in my Awareness.

What facet of Self-realization or manifesting can get rid of this notion that my bigger dreams are impossible?

Again, I am not speaking of breaking the laws of nature kind of “impossible” but I have this feeling of distance between “here” and “there”.

Response: Firstly let me say that you were created whole and complete, and lacking nothing. The reason for saying this is that you’re inferring that having some experience within the world will bring you fulfillment and / or happiness. You do not need to engage the world to find fulfillment and happiness; these are internal experiences that you already have, that you were created with, and so you cannot bring them to yourself — you tap into what is already there and this can be done anywhere at any time.

The solution to your issue, in my opinion, is the solution to all dilemmas: work with your thinking. Your thinking tells you that you have problems or that your life is inadequate. When you accept thinking like this then this thinking becomes your truth. I say to you that upon your creation you were given the Kingdom fully, and that no glory of any kind was left out — there is nothing lacking.

My advice to you is to monitor your thinking, listen to it, and stop embracing as the truth thinking that tells you that you have lack. As long as you believe you have lack you will continue to look outward as a way of filling the void. When you stop accepting as your truth that you can have lack, when you start trusting your creation as being free from lack despite what your judgments tell you, then experiences will occur that will match your outlook.

As within, so without…

Reader Follow-up: That was so profoundly simple!

It isn’t the typical advice that a typical law of attraction teacher would give…

but it is along the lines of Ho’oponopono or Eckhart Tolle! Yes, you are right I suppose that no matter where I am, I should come from Fullness, not from neediness or want…. and I can manifest what is best anyway from that state..